
This place - a field off the road, about a kilometer from the Ganges (now a small brick factory has been built here) - is not different from Kurukshetra. His other name is Hatta Danga.

Kurukshetra in Haryana

Kurukshetra is located in the state of Haryana, 160 kilometers from Delhi. Historically, this is the name of the place, covering an area of ​​128 kilometers. There are many holy places, temples, lakes, associated with the events of ancient history, and in particular - with the great battle of the descendants of Bharat. According to the Manu-Samhita, all the land between the Sarasvati and Drishadvati rivers on Kuruksetra is called Brahmavarta and is considered sacred. These places are the cradle of Vedic civilization. It is sacred for both Buddhists and Sikhs.

Since ancient times, Kurukshetra is considered a place of pilgrimage. It is believed that it was from him that Brahma began the creation of the universe and held the first sacrifice here - Purusha-homa. Here he divided human society into varna. Kuruksetra still has a lake dedicated to Brahma, and another dedicated to Saraswati, his wife.

On Kurukshetra, there is Samantha Panchak, the place where Parasurama filled five lakes with the blood of the kshatriyas killed by him, and after that he performed a sacrifice to atone for the sin of murder (five lakes still exist). In the Dashavatara Stotra, Jayadeva Gosvami says: “Oh Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who has assumed the form of Bhrigupati [Parasurama]! Glory to you! You flood the land of Kurukshetra with rivers of blood that flows from the bodies of the ksatriya demons you killed. ” Many kings of the Kuru dynasty made sacrifices here.

Prithudaka (now Pekhova) is also located on Kuruksetra, where Maharaja Prthu performed ninety-nine horse sacrifices. This is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam [4.19.1]: “The great sage Maitreya continued: Dear Vidura, in the place where the Saraswati river turns east, King Prthu decided to make one hundred horse sacrifices. This area, called Brahmavarta, was ruled by Swayambhuva Manu. ”

On Kurukshetra there is also Jyotisar - the place where the Bhagavad-gita was told, as well as many other places, one way or another connected with the battle of the Pandavas and Kauravas.

Since ancient times, there was a tradition of gathering at this place during solar eclipses. At the end of Dvapara Yuga, a solar eclipse also occurred, and residents from different parts of the country gathered at Kurukshetra. Lord Krishna came with all his relatives, and the inhabitants of Vraja, who finally saw Him after so many years of separation. The gopis called the Lord back to Vrindavan, and, seeing His indecision, pulled His chariot along with them. So on Kurukshetra the first Ratha-yatra took place.

Srila Prabhupada emphasized the importance of this place many times. He wanted ISKCON devotees to buy land here and build a temple. The ISKCON project on Kuruksetra is now led by Gopal Krishna Goswami.

Kurukshetra in Navadvipa

Bhaktivinoda Thakur says: “All the demigods and all the holy places come here ... There are all the tirthas that are only on Brahmavarta and Kuruksetra. Prithudaka and other holy places are happy to serve here Navadvipa. One night spent here is equal to one hundred years lived in Kuruksetra. The demigods came here and set up a market (hutta) where they talk about the games of Gauranga. Therefore this place is called Hattadanga. Seeing him, a man reaches prema. " In Navadvipa-bhava-tarang it is said that the demigods are always holding the Gaura-kirtan here, which is sometimes heard by the locals. They say that even having passed this place, one can find love for God.

Translated from dhama.dayalnitay.ru

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